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There are wonderful parks and gardens in Chesterfield and there's usually something going on for a breath of fresh air. Here's where you can find out what's happening in the great outdoors near you!

Xplorer Events Set To Challenge Families

Xplorer Events Set To Challenge FamiliesFriday 12th June 2015 Families are being encouraged to explore their local park as part of a new series of Xplorer events to be held at Hornscroft Park in Bolsover.

Bolsover District Council
and Bolsover District Village Games have joined forces to provide the Xplorer events which are family friendly navigational challenges that offer fun, adventure and education for all ages.

Developed by British Orienteering, Xplorer gives children the chance to gain new skills such as map reading, decision making and working... READ MORE...

Work Begins On New Eastwood Park Pavilion

Work Begins On New Eastwood Park PavilionFriday 10th October 2014 Chesterfield Borough Council's builders and apprentices are playing a key role in building a new pavilion at Eastwood Park.

The work is carried out by the council, which owns and maintains the park in Hasland using the council's in-house team of builders and apprentices.

The project has received £150,000 in funding from Sport England's Inspired Facilities fund with £201,000 in funding from the council.

Councillor Chris Ludlow, Chesterfield Borough...

Improvement Work To Take Place At Thistle Park

Improvement Work To Take Place At Thistle ParkWednesday 23rd July 2014 Children in Brimington are set to benefit from new play equipment at their local park thanks to Chesterfield Borough Council.

Thistle Park on Station Road, Brimington, will have new play equipment installed and work carried out to improve drainage on the site.

The play area and the car park will be closed for two weeks from Monday 28th July while the work takes place to improve facilities. Pedestrian access will be available for users of the park while the work is carried out and the new play area and car park are due to reopen on Monday 11th August. READ MORE...

Plans For New Queen's Park Sports Centre Approved

Plans For New Queen's Park Sports Centre ApprovedWednesday 21st May 2014 Councillors have approved plans for the replacement Queen's Park Sports Centre.

At their meeting on Monday 19th May, members of Chesterfield Borough Council's planning committee approved the plans for the new centre to be built on the site of Queen's Park Annexe, subject to planning conditions.

Councillor Amanda Serjeant, Chesterfield Borough Council's Executive Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism said: "Now the plans have been approved, the new Queen's Park Sports Centre has moved a significant..." READ MORE...

High Praise For Chesterfield's Holmebrook Valley Park

High Praise For Chesterfield's Holmebrook Valley ParkMonday 23rd December 2013 Judges from the national Green Flag award have commended Holmebrook Valley Park.

The Green Flag award is run by the Keep Britain Tidy campaign and recognises top quality parks and open spaces.

Holmebrook Valley Park, owned and maintained by Chesterfield Borough Council, received its Green Flag for the third time this summer.

A Judge from the campaign paid an unannounced visit to the park... READ MORE...

Friends Of Stand Road Park Plant Trees In National Tree Week

Friends Of Stand Road Park and Local Schools  Plant Trees In National Tree WeekFriday 15th November 2013 Friends of Stand Road Park, and the pupils and teachers of two local schools, will plant trees on Stand Road Park as part of National Tree Week.

The Tree Council - the UK's leading tree campaigning partnership, which runs the week - has given a grant of £504 for the project.

It will see volunteers from the Friends Group and pupils from Newbold Community School and Gilbert Heathcotes Infants School plant different tree species, including Weeping Willows. READ MORE...

Funding Hasland's Eastwood Park's Community Garden

Funding Hasland's Eastwood Park's Community GardenMonday 9th September 2013
Eastwood Park in Hasland is set to benefit from a raft of improvements thanks to funding from the Lottery funded Awards for All.

The Friends of Eastwood Park secured the £10,000 funding for the Chesterfield Borough Council park for the Community Garden.

Barbara Arrandale, Chair of the Friends of Eastwood Park, said the grant will fund new seeds, plants and compost, a new set of communal tools to use in the garden as well as a new secure lock up. READ MORE...

Opening Of New Adventure Play Area At Stand Road Park

Opening Of New Adventure Play Area At Stand Road ParkThursday 11th July 2013 A new adventure play area for young children in Chesterfield is being opened by the Friends of Stand Road Park.

The play area will be formally opened by the children from the nursery class of Highfield Hall Primary School and the infants of Gilbert Heathcote School on 22nd July at 11.30 am.

As we reported in our previous story, the adventure play area, located near the park pavilion, has been funded by Biffa Award, a multi-million pound fund that helps to build communities and transform lives through awarding grants... READ MORE...

Join In 'The Big Scoop'

Join In 'The Big Scoop' this Friday, 14th June 2013Tuesday 11th June 2013 Chesterfield residents are being encouraged to join in the national 'Love Where You Live' month and to join in with Chesterfield Borough Council in keeping the borough tidy.

This Friday, 14th June, is the first national 'Big Scoop' day, and the council's environmental services team will be out in force at Queen's Park, Holmebrook Valley Park and Poolsbrook Country Park, handing out free Poop Scoop bags to dog owners to encourage them to clean up after their animals.

There are approximately 1,200 litter bins and 450 dog waste bins... READ MORE...

Friends Of Stand Road Park Win £47k Biffa Award

Friends Of Stand Road Park Win £47k Biffa AwardWednesday 22nd May 2013 The Friends of Stand Road Park has been awarded £47,000 from Biffa Award to build an adventure play area for young children at Whittington Moor, Chesterfield.

The adventure play area will be installed near the Stand Road Park's pavilion.

The project has been funded by Biffa Award, a multi-million pound fund that helps to build communities and transform lives through awarding grants to community and environmental projects across the UK using money from landfill tax credits donated by Biffa Group Ltd. READ MORE...

It's King v Parliament - Chesterfield Style!

It's King v Parliament - Chesterfield Style!Monday 20th May 2013 History will come alive as the English Civil War is staged in Chesterfield this Bank Holiday.

Jonathan Taylor has spent most of his life working in schools - he's also spent most of his life on the battlefield.

The retired educational consultant is a long-standing member of the English Civil War Society and will be leading the Royalist troops at Chesterfield's Civil War event on Sunday 26th May and Bank Holiday Monday 27th May at Holmebrook Valley Park between 11am and 4pm. READ MORE...

Chesterfield's Queen's Park Says 'Feed The Birds'

Chesterfield's Queen's Park Says 'Feed The Birds' for National Nest Box WeekWednesday 27th February 2013 More than 100 bird lovers flocked to Queen's Park to take part in a nest box building event organised by Chesterfield Borough Council.

Despite the bitterly cold temperatures, the event, held last Thursday 21st February, was hailed as a success with 58 nest boxes built - 30 specially for blue tits and a further 28 for robins.

The event was held as part of national nest box week, which has been held annually since 1997 to address the fast disappearing number of... READ MORE...

Diamond Jubilee Funding Boost For Eastwood Park

Diamond Jubilee Funding Boost For Eastwood ParkMonday 17th December 2012 The community of Hasland in Chesterfield is today celebrating the news that it has received a £25,000 funding boost from SITA Trust's QE2 Fields Fund to provide an outdoor gym and piece of dynamic play equipment at Eastwood Park.

SITA Trust set up the funding programme for sites that have been protected through the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge - which aims to protect 2012 playing fields by the end of 2012 as a celebration of the Queen's Diamond JubileeChesterfield Borough Council has signed up to the Challenge, preserving Eastwood Park for future generations to enjoy. READ MORE...

Spooky Events At Holmebrook Valley Park

Spooky Events At Holmebrook Valley ParkTuesday 16th October 2012 Some spooky events are taking place at Holmebrook Valley Park during the October half-term and children and adults are invited to come along and take part.

You can follow the clues in a ghoulish Halloween Treasure Hunt around the park on Tuesday 30th October from 1pm to 3pm or join in the Wild Art event on Thursday 1st November from 1pm to 3pm. Take inspiration from autumn and use natural materials from the park to create you very own work of art. All the events are FREE-of-charge - but booking is essential and children must be accompanied by an adult. To book or for more information call the Park Ranger on 01246 230731.

What Are Your Memories Of Eastwood Park?

What Are Your Memories Of Eastwood Park?Monday 17th September 2012 Chesterfield residents are being invited to share their special memories of Eastwood Park in Hasland, as part of a project to create a magnificent feature archway.

Chesterfield Borough Council is currently overseeing a complete restoration of the Park after it secured a grant of £1.07m from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund.

David Mayne, the artist of the special metal archway, is holding a 'Memory Day' so people can come and share their special memories... READ MORE...

Hasland's Eastwood Park Closed For Start Of Restoration Work

Hasland's Eastwood Park Closed For Start Of Restoration WorkThursday 30th August 2012 Eastwood Park in Hasland, Chesterfield is closing its gates for four weeks from Monday 3rd September as work begins on a major restoration project.

Chesterfield Borough Council is spending £1.28m to renovate, improve and modernise existing facilities as well as introducing a number of new features to the park. Funding was secured through a grant of £1.07m from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and the Big Lottery Fund (BIG), with the Council contributing a further £201k. Local Councillors, the Friends of Eastwood Park, community and sports groups and other partners all worked together to put together the successful bid. READ MORE...

Get Ready To Ramble At Poolsbrook Country Park

Get Ready To Ramble At Poolsbrook Country ParkThursday 12th July 2012 Local residents are being encouraged to pull on their wellies or walking boots and to take a healthy stroll around Poolsbrook Country Park this Summer.

The Park Rangers will be leading two gentle walks during which anyone can learn about the history and nature hidden within the beautiful Poolsbrook Country Park.

The one and half hour walks will take place on Wednesday 25th July and 29th August, and begin at 10.30am at the Pavilion. To find out more and to book a space call 01246 474967.

Family Festive Fun In Hasland

Tuesday 6th December 2011 Christmas is coming early in Hasland with a free family fun day to be held in Eastwood Park on Saturday, December 10th.

Hasland and St Leonard's Safer Neighbourhood Team
has joined forces with the Friends of Eastwood Park to arrange the afternoon of festivities in the village hall from 1pm to 3.30pm.

Visitors will get to meet Father Christmas as well as try out craft and cake stalls, a rodeo reindeer and refreshments including mulled wine and mince pies. READ MORE...

Get Festive In The Park

Get Fetsive in Queen's ParkMonday 5th December 2011 Queen's Park in Chesterfield will be getting festive this Saturday 10th December, with the return of the annual "Winter Festivities in the Park" event.

The event takes place from 10am - 3pm next to Frederick's cafe. If the weather is inclement this will be held inside the cafe.

Members of the public are invited to come along, get creative and make their own Christmas wreath to take home or a festive Yuletide log for the table. There'll also be a hunt for Santa's reindeer and more... READ MORE...




















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